Below elbow POP video

Below elbow POP video

3264 2448 Kat Evans

Below Elbow POP

This video aims to give simple steps in the procedure of paediatric below elbow plaster of paris (POP)

  • Equipment: ortho wool, 2x medium rolls of POP, 1x large roll of POP
  • Apply ortho wool: intervals covering 50% of your last throw, down the arm
  • Applying the first POP: start at the wrist and work down the hand, and back up the arm
  • Second roll of POP: apply to the midpoint and cover the whole forearm and hand
  • Fold the wool: giving enough room to flex at the elbow
  • Reinforcement: cover the length of the forearm with a wider roll of POP
  • Smooth the POP: paying attention to the thumb area
  • Finished POP: there should be room to flex the arm, and the thumb should be free to move with the pop smoothed to prevent abrasions/ pressure areas

Additional basic tips for newbies

  • Children don’t liked to sit still – ensure adequate analgesia (paracetamol, ibuprofen, tilidine drops aka valoron) and if needed sedation prior to procedure
  • When wetting the POP rolls in water ensure you maintain hold of the loose end
  • Wait for the majority of bubbles to cease before removing the POP (insert vertically into water). Squeeze out excess water for the POP roll prior to application
  • When smoothing over ensure not to apply pressure with finger tips (avoid pressure areas at all costs). Dunking hands in water prior to smoothing helps
  • Remember to advise family about danger signs to watch out over the next 24 hours and when to return for follow-up

Kat Evans

Emergency Medicine Physician in Cape Town, South Africa. Looking for solutions to our unique EM challenges with a quadruple burden of disease.

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