
Emergency Care – See You In Court

150 150 Craig Wylie

#badEM19 In September 2019 we hosted #badEM19 an entirely free 1-day educational symposium. We would like to thank all our sponsors for making this possible. All the talks were filmed & edited by ER24 and will be released on the website. This event is run alternate years to our main conference. Join us in watching…

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Head Vs Heart: Opening the Box

925 520 Natalie May

Head Vs Heart: Opening the Box This blog post has been co-released by StEmlyns and badEM “Head Vs Heart: Opening the Box”  was intended to be presented by guest speaker and author, Natalie May at badEMfest20. Unfortunately, do to the current pandemic, badEMfest20 has had to be postponed and this talk would have had to…

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Low-Cost Surface Disinfectant

757 1004 Kat Evans

Low-Cost Surface Disinfectant Traditionally in our departments, we have used alcohol-based sanitizers to wipe down surfaces and objects. With massive shortages of consumables and supplies during the COVD-19 outbreak, we have to look at cheaper alternatives that are readily available and are as effective. Household bleach, diluted to an appropriate concentration is recommended by the…

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Perfect Mix in Retrieval

150 150 Eric de Korte

#badEM19 – 1 DAY Free Symposium In September 2019 we hosted #badEM19 an entirely free 1-day educational symposium. We would like to thank all our sponsors for making this possible. All the talks were filmed & edited by ER24 and will be released on the website. This event is run alternate years to our main…

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Trauma Care in the District EC

1600 1200 Eric de Korte

#badEM19 In September 2019 we hosted #badEM19 an entirely free 1-day educational symposium. We would like to thank all our sponsors for making this possible. All the talks were filmed & edited by ER24 and will be released on the website. Join us in watching Dr Nuraan Lotter in the third installment of a four-part…

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Prehospital Haemostatic Resuscitation

639 639 Eric de Korte

#badEM19 In September 2019 we hosted #badEM19 an entirely free 1 day educational symposium. The second instalment of a four part series of talks outlining the Emergency Care Framework. Below watch the presentation by Dr Matt Gunning on Haemostatic Resuscitation in the prehospital setting.

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Community First – Kevin Jones

1080 1080 Eric de Korte

#badEM19 In September 2019 we hosted #badEM19 an entirely free 1 day educational symposium. We would like to thank all our sponsors for making this possible. All the talks were filmed & edited by ER24 and will be released on the website. We start off with the first of a four part series of talks…

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Crash 3

448 232 Willem Stassen

The iPhone 11 of the emergency medicine world has just been released and you should be queueing for the results. The badEM crew and some guests sat down to understand what this landmark trial means for us in Africa. After reading the appraisal listen to our podcast and to our opinion on what these results…

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Interview with the Author: Michael McCaul on South African prehospital guidelines

150 150 Craig Wylie

Series: “Interview with the Author…” Link to open access article: Click here Corresponding author email: Previous linked author interview: Author’s twitter handle: @MikeMcCaul3 Co-authors: @Research_ambit and @CEBHC Youtube: Strengthening South African prehospital guideline uptake Published in: @Plos Volume 14 Issue 14 The badEM crew interviewed Michael McCaul regarding his newly released article in PLoS ONE Volume 14 Issue 7 entitled: “Prehospital…

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Voices from Africa at SMACC

150 150 Craig Wylie

African Voices at SMACC During SMACC in Sydney, Doug Lynch, @thetopend, interviewed several African delegates. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the conference organisers with the smaccREACH program. We are super excited for the future of SMACC under their new banner CODA. Pendo George, from Tanzania, was the first to be interviewed…

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#badEMfest18: The Chronic Pain Toolkit – Rowan Duys

150 150 Craig Wylie

The Chronic Pain Toolkit  Dr Rowan Duys  Rowan, @healthink, is an Anaesthetist practicing at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. He has a key interest in pain management & simulation teaching.   Rowan has been a great friend of the badEM crew and joined us at #badEMfest18 to share some great pearls of…

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Thoughts from the Intro to Pain Control in Palliative Medicine Diploma

150 150 Kat Evans

Day 3 Pain Management Introduction was taught/facilitated by Dr Rene Kraus.   I will in the future post my version of the “Pain Masterclass” when we do an entire section of the Diploma on pain management..  When thinking about how we can stop pain in its tracks: we have to think in terms of ascending &…

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Back to School: Day1 of Palliative Medicine PGDiploma

150 150 Kat Evans

I have made the decision to put my student hat back on and start a 1 year Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Medicine through UCT this year. Day 1 discussions were facilitated by Dr Rene Kraus. Our class are a fascinating group of largely very senior/experienced palliative medicine doctors/nursing staff/allied health colleagues. I am excited to…

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Tips for FOAMed groups based in High Income Countries to help become Freely ACCESSIBLE Medical Education (FAME)

1920 1080 Kat Evans

The below are some random thoughts extracted from my talk at AfCEM 2018 Conference: Appropriateness: Don’t forget your audience is worldwide not all in the same healthcare context as you – think about your influence. Sometimes flippant comments/assumptions are made by authors that when read by a clinician from low resource context, renders them despondent…

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AfCEM 2018 Day 1: How to get your research published: The 10 commandments

1822 1400 Kat Evans

Summary notes on talk given at AFCEM 2018 “Ten Commandments for getting your research published” by Dr Ellen Webber, Editor in Chief of Emergency Medicine Journal @emjeditor  A large proportion of studies/research is not published. Improve your chances of getting your chances noticed. Put your best foot forward from the beginning. Always use a research checklist…

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AfCEM 2018 – Day 1: Opening Plenaries & Education

2481 1789 Kat Evans

Two of the badEM crew Kat Evans & Willem Stassen attended the 4th African Conference of Emergency Medicine 7-9 November 2018 in Kigali, Rwanda. They are being assisted in blogging the conference also by Dr Clint Hendrikse(Cape Town) & Dr Mina Naguib (Manchester) One concept that will likely run through this conference is the concept of Ubuntu. A person with Ubuntu is welcoming, hospitable,…

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150 150 Craig Wylie

SMACC Sydney 25 – 29 March 2019 SMACC Sydney…… “Will be the best SMACC yet” Ticket Ballot opens in just over 8 hours…. Don’t miss out, register on the SMACC Website on Monday The greatest conference!! I attended my first SMACC in 2016 and man it was great!!!! A community of people that truly believe…

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#badEMfest18: Human/kind – Andy Tagg

150 150 Jo Park-Ross

Guest Author: Andy Tagg When Kat Evans came and spoke at DFTB17 on the state of emergency medicine in South Africa she was all abuzz about this new conference that the badEM crew were going to put on. As she had made the effort and travelled all the way to Australia I thought it only…

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Dare to research

1920 1281 Willem Stassen

There is a paucity of scientific evidence originating from the African continent. (1) For evidence emanating from Africa, African researchers have very poor access to these publications. (1) In addition, the context within the African continent and other low- to middle-income countries,  are vastly different to that of higher-income countries, and the evidence produced in…

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#badEMfest18: Do they know its EM? – Heike Geduld

431 431 Jo Park-Ross

Do they know it’s EM? A few months ago I was approached to do a talk on global Emergency Medicine (EM) at the then still mythical BadEMfest. My comfort zone is Afripositive EM and the trigger for the talk actually came from a discussion with a colleague who is an amazing EM physician and person,…

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