Ubuntu Hospital & Ubuntu Aeromedical & Ambulance Service
After much deliberation we decided not to ask for admitting privileges at St Emlyns (UK) or JANUS General (US) Imaginary Hospitals, but rather open an African virtual hospital.
We felt that the developing world has it’s own specific set of unique problems that can only be expressed adequately in an African environment! Problems including Sjambok injuries causing Crush Syndrome, PERC negative & Wells Score of zero not equating to no DVT/PE in the HIV/TB setting, Cape Cobras, Cable thieves buried underground for >24hours, commonplace >20 intercostal drains on a Saturday night at a primary healthcare clinic, ‘Tik‘, Anti-Retroviral & TB Medication Overdoses, Minimal access to PCI (and in some places no access to Thrombolytics), TB/HIV overwhelm units.
All practitioners across Africa are welcome to “admit” patients to our imaginary hospital or utilize our EMS services to transport patients. The Ubuntu group name is available to maintain patient confidentiality to allow discussions of patient cases for educational benefit. Basically there are minimal rules as it is an imaginary hospital/service!
They way it works is just email us your interesting case, or case in which you learnt something (can be a medical or non-medical learning point!) We will then look through it & help you to turn it into a badEM guest blog post – this can either be done anonymously or with your name attached.. Send to: info@badem.co.za & we can discuss further.
If you would like to know the origin of the name ‘Ubuntu’ that our hospital is named after please read more here.
(Written consent for use of photographs online obtained from patient pictured in image)