This week I did a talk at the Hout Bay Volunteer EMS about how to get involved with FOAM for the beginner (with a focus on prehospital FOAM).
If you are new to the FOAM world and want to know how to get involved and what it is all about then this for you!
I recommend the following links for further reading and to get the process started!
- Life in the fast lane – one of the best online FOAM resources! Mike Cadogans talk from ICEM 2012 on FOAM, Chris Nicksons podcast on Why FOAM; facts, fallacies and foibles as well as a great overview of FOAM
- Chris Nickson from iTeachEM: 10 tips for FOAM beginners along with his article (and Mike Cadogan) titled: Free Open Access Medical education (FOAM) for the emergency physician are a must see when starting out.
- Scott Weingart and Brent Thoma have a great podcast on the online hierarchy of needs.
- Great article by Sharon Kling from Tygerberg Hospital on: Danger at the frontier: social media and ethics (what we should NOT be doing)
- Who to follow when you are new to twitter by Brent Thoma from boringEM (follow @FOAMstarter on twitter and add all the people they follow to your following list).
The blogs I mention
- Please check out our list of local FOAMed resources to follow!
- PHARM – prehospital and retrieval medicine
- St. Emlyn’s – excellent emergency medicine blog posts that give insight into specific topics
- EMCrit – Scott gives some of the best podcasts around, excellent talks and resources on his site
- Taming the SRU – they have a special page dedicated to posts on prehospital medicine
- Excellent podcasts by the best speakers in emergency medicine on a wide range of topics: check out SMACC (for iTunes podcasts click here)
The link to the Prezi presentation given at HBVEMS
And the screencast of the presentation (during the actual presentation I enjoying a Guinness so Im sure that was far more entertaining)